
Seif Basem

Level 20

450 Rating

General Information

Full Name Seif Basem
Gender : Male
Country : Egypt

Personal Information

Email :
Phone : 01688454904
Date Of Birth : 13/8/2000

Job Information

Title Front-End Developer
Programming Language : Python
Years Of Experience : 15+

Billing Information

Payment Method PayPal
Email :
Subscription : Monthly

My Skills

Complete Skills List

  • HtmlPugjsHAML
  • CSSSASSStylus
  • JavaScriptTypeScript
  • VuejsReactjs
  • JestJasmine
  • PHPLarvel
  • PythonDjango

Latest Activities

Latest Activities Done By The User

Store Bought The Mastering Python Course
18:10 Yesterday
Academy Got The PHP Certificte
16:05 Yesterday
Badges Unlocked The 10 Skills Badge
18:05 Yesterday
Store Bought The TypeScript Course
12:05 Yesterday